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New Topics Coming Soon

In the near future, we'll be posting new blog entries about several relevant issues that have come to the forefront in 2017 and exploring their impact on Arkansas. These topics include the Clean Power Plan, the crippled and quorumless Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the ever complex future of energy, including nuclear energy. For now, we'd like to update a few previous topics on which we've posted in the past.

Net Neutrality

In July of 2016, we discussed the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Open Internet Rules, also known as Net Neutrality. These rules classified internet providers as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. The new head of the FCC, Ajit Pai, has expressed disagreement with that classification. Pai says he believes consumers and municipal broadband providers would be better served by regulation of broadband under other laws, without the classification in Title II, possibly by the Federal Trade Commission rather than the FCC.

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